Expect more products soon

Cashew Nut (Fresh & Crunchy)


Order our fresh cashew nuts today and enjoy all the incredible benefits of this great nut. Cashew nut is a good source of copper, magnesium, zinc  and manganese. All of which are very important for energy production, brain health, immunity, and bone health. Other important benefit of cashew nut is its low sugar content and rich fibre content as well as heart-healthy fats, and plant protein.

Multipurpose Natural Wash (Large, Medium, and small available)


With our multipurpose natural wash your cleaniness is guaranteed. Order now and we will deliver to your door step. It is ideal for washing cloths, dishes, floors, cars, and so on.

Pigeon Pea (stoneless)


Order our well-packaged stoneless pigeon pea to make a delicious meal rich in plant protein.